The compressor serves to circulate the refrigerant in the
refrigerator's cooling system. The refrigerant will continue to circulate
through the pipeline in the cooling system. After passing through the
compressor, the refrigerant will then enter the condenser to cool. After
passing through the condenser, the rigerer will enter the capillary pipe which
will be filtered first by a filter which will then enter the evaporator and
return to the compressor.
The refrigerant will continue to circulate as long as there
is no deadlock in the refrigerator piping system. The most convenient channel
for the refrigerator is in the capillary tube. This is because the capillary
tube has a very small diameter. Although refrigerant before entering the
capillary tube has been filtered first on the filter, but dirt that is smaller
in diameter than the filter hole can accumulate on the channel and will clog
the capillary pipe. Capillary pipe impasse can occur with two criteria, namely
total dead end and partial dead end. Both have different signs. Let's discuss
Total Capillary Pipe Dead
If there is a part of the cooling system that is totally
deadlocked, then the compressor works will also be disrupted. When the total dead
end capillary tube, the refrigerant silkus will stop at the high pressure side
(condenser) which causes the pressure on the condenser to be very high. The
high pressure on the condenser causes the compressor to work heavily which
causes the consumption of electric current to be higher than normal conditions.
The high electric current causes overload to become hot and
overload contact will open (the compressor turns off). After a while (cold
overload) the overload contact will close again (the compressor returns to
work). And so on, so the refrigerator cabinet is not cold.
Partially dead capillary pipes
If the capillary tube is partially dead, then it is similar
to a capillary tube with total deadlock. The difference is that the opening of
contacts on the overload takes a long time. This happens because some
refrigerants can still flow through the capillary pipe so that the compressor
will not immediately heat up so that the overload will also open up longer.
To overcome the problem of a dead end capillary tube must
remove the capillary tube and remove the material that clogs it. If the
capillary pipe has been removed, replace the filter / drier. But what must be
considered is when installing capillary pipes and filters. At the time of
welding, it is very possible that crust will occur because the remaining
lubricating oil is still attached to the capillary pipe which is subjected to
high heating during welding. This crust will cause a blockage in the capillary
tube itself. Therefore we must make sure that the parts we weld are clean of
lubricating oil or other contaminants.
So many articles about the capillary pipe deadlock on the
refrigerator unit. Hopefully it can be useful.
"Never insult someone's past. Because we
don't know what the future is"
Kulkas sy kurang dingin pd saat sy buka bagian freezer ternyata evaporator penuh dengan batu es, sy sdh ganti defrost dan timer tp tidak ada perubahan msh penuh dgn batu es evap nya dan ttp kurang dingin
BalasHapusKira2 penyebabnya apa ya
Banyaknya bunga es tersebut karena suhu dingin dari evaporator tidak tersalurkan ke luar. Untuk mensirkulasikan hawa dingin ini dibutuhkan kipas yang terpasang dekat evaporator. Jika kipas masih berputar dan masih banyak bunga es, coba cek bagian saluran sirkulasi udara pada evaporator
HapusMaaf bang saya mau nanya ,kulkas saya kan gak dingin padahal baru lima bulan saya beli,awal gak dingin nya pas saya matiin kulkas karna mau di bersihkan ,dan d saat saya hidupkan lagi kulkasnya udah gak dingin,,kenapa ya ,terima kasih